Ellis System - Oct. 8, 2013, 6:44 a.m. Crying Devil
Star Citizen Greetings Citizens,
Today’s Galactic Guide on the Ellis System originally appeared in last month’s issue of Jump Point.

Ellis System

If speed could, paradoxically, be represented by a fixed point in space, then that point is unquestionably the Ellis System. Home of the Murray Cup, the most famous racing event in the galaxy, Ellis is a star system that plays off its reputation to any tourists or other visitors who pass within a light-year of the outer worlds. Despite this, Ellis is actually a very interesting star system on its own merits: from hordes of indigenous life forms that are unlike anything present anywhere else in known space, to an economy based on something other than ship part construction, to the sheer number and variety of planets present in the system, Ellis is worth at least one voyage.

Cosmologically, Ellis is an F3V Yellow star with an especially thick green band, allowing an unusually high amount of human habitation. The system is located in a highly developed region of UEE space with strong jump ties to Nexus and Kilian. Politically, it is a corporate owned star system, although this is more trivia than an actual issue of governance. Despite its association with space racing, Ellis has never been a manufacturing powerhouse; instead, it exports unrefined minerals and seafood to other populated systems in the local star cluster.

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