New RSI Forum - Sept. 12, 2013, 7:07 a.m. Crying Devil
Star Citizen

Greetings Citizens,

The first major overhaul of the RSI forums has occurred! In addition to updates to the look and feel of the boards, we’re added many of the features you’ve been asking for since the RSI Prime site launched. This includes Recent Discussions, Bookmarks, Profile Pages, Notifications and most importantly a Private Conversation system! We’re also giving our top gun volunteer mod team more tools to keep the forums civil and organized… so troublemakers, beware.

If you haven’t jumped in to the forums before, now is a great time to join. A number of forums are available to cater to any Star Citizen fan’s needs:

Stay tuned: there are more forum updates coming! Our goal is to make the RSI site your one-stop shop for everything Star Citizen, so please let us know what additional features you want to see on the forums.
Source: "klick here"