Birthdays of the month - March 4, 2005, 8:36 p.m. WP_Shadow
101st WolfPack

Well another month another many birthdays for us ^^ again I'd like to take this short time I have to post to congratulate the people with birthdays this month.

First of we have our dear Teni on the 9th who (if I'm not mistaken) will be 21 :-O Teni, there isnt any word in any language to explain what an unimaginable honour it is for me and the rest of the WolfPack to have you with us, your strong words and charactor has helped me countless times, and you have stuck with the WP since the beginning. I think only Stef truly knows how much you have done for us, but I take this time to say that everything in my career that you have done has been of great friendship, intelligence, courage, and skill. Whenever you are around I am happy to see you old friend :-) Your presence creates an atmosphere everytime you are there. It is truly an HONOUR and PRIVILEGE to fly with you sir *salutes* thank you for being with us Ralf, it makes the WP what it is today. Though I say these small words I think only Stef can truly know and tell you how much you have meant to him through the last 4 1/2 years. But I can only imagine what he feels about you being here still with him :-)

Next we have Lost Phoenix ^^ on the 13th. Lost Lost Lost ^^ what shall we do with you huh? since the beginning you have had immence skills with us, Aesthir did his job and now you rival even the strongest of our pilots and certainly those outside the WP. You joined Raider Wing unusually early and have progressed beyond my skills and that of most WP. You my friend are a true asset to WP and a (almost;-)) perfect example of what a WP should hope to achieve at your level. It's been only to fun flying with you by my side in Raiders and I couldnt think of too many others I'd rather have covering my wing than you mate. Good to see you still with us and keeping up the skills you have. Although your time with us wasnt as long as some, it has been full of furth while atributes and flying.

Finally we have a old WP Leviathan who unfortunately isnt around these days however his birthday is on the 28th. So I suggest we spare a thought for him that day :-)

thats all the birthdays ^^ so a final HAPPY BIRHTDAY from me guys, hope it's fun and has many to follow ;-)